My KonMari Experience

Recently I read the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, which I think I must have seen first on YouTube in a video about wardrobe editing. It made me realize that I was down with the idea of downsizing my possessions and surrounding myself only with the things that “spark joy” (Kondo’s catch phrase of the book.) 

I came upon the idea independently when I was doing laundry one day. All of my clean clothes still in baskets, I looked at what was hanging in my closet and was unhappy with what I saw there. I realized that everything I had been wearing this season was in the baskets behind me, and even with the winter clothing pushed to the back of the closet, what was left were things that were wearing out or didn’t suit me in one way or another. I grabbed an armful and hung them up on the opposite side of the room where I hang my absurd collection of black dresses. Then when I hung up my laundry, what I saw in the closet made me happy. I’m not one to simplify emotions like that too often, but strictly comparing what I felt before and after removing those neglected clothes, the difference was clear. The absence of guilt and disappointment at not wanting to wear what I own I’m going to call “happiness.” So I started reading. 

The KonMari method involves tidying by category, first discarding everything you don’t love, then assigning a home for everything that remains. Tidying by category means that you gather all of the items in one category, first is clothing, so from every coat closet, drawer, laundry basket or back of chair that you might find clothing, you gather everything into a pile. I was naughty and left things hanging up in consideration for space. 

I did take my black dresses down from their rack, you can see them at the bottom of the image on white hangers. I piled things roughly by category, pants, tops, seasonal wear, casual or sleep things. Also I left my under things in their drawers until this mess was taken care of. 

These are the two giant bags I donated. See that pink homecoming dress? That’s one of my regretful items. Maybe if Michelle still has the bag, I’ll rescue it. If not, that’s no big deal either. I did let my sister go through the discard bags, which Kondo strongly discourages. I don’t think she ended up keeping much of what she pulled out of there, there really were good reasons to get rid of most of it, and only a few were strictly because they didn’t bring me joy. Marie Kondo stresses the importance of letting go of the items you find difficult to decide whether or not to keep. If you feel indecisive then there’s likely something about it that is giving you a negative feeling, which you should be happy to let go of. 

Another focus of the book is vertical storage. What you keep should be arranged in a method that’s easy to put things away, and makes it easy to select a particular item. This means not stacking items on top of each other. Imagine how it feels to be the bottom item in a pile, Kondo says. She suggests you wouldn’t be very happy. In the clothing category this means folding (and she does stress the benefits of folding over hanging) clothes in such a way that they stand up vertically so that they line up like books in a bookshelf, each one visible and accessible for your selection. I did not understand this concept until I watched a few YouTube videos. How can floppy fabric stand up on its own? 

Once I sat down and started folding, it became easier to find the “sweet spot” where an item will stand up on its own. The idea is that when you remove an item to wear it the rest stay where they are and don’t topple down on top of each other. 

With a reduced volume of things to start with, I found it easy to fit everything in the drawers that I own. One for T-shirts and sleep things, one for Jean pants and shorts, one for sweaters, for socks and hosiery, underwear, bras and shape wear and eventually I added one for cardigans and layering items that I didn’t like hanging with the more structured items like pants jackets and dresses. It’s still going to look like I have a shit ton of clothes. Mostly because I kept most of my dresses even most of the black ones… 

Another thing the downsizing allowed me to do was to purchase matching hangers and get rid of the damn colorful plastic ones that are the bane of my existence. During the process I had narrowed it down to just the blue and white hangers but the ivory velvet ones from Amazon really do look better. Here, have a before and after. 

It feels pretty curated to me. There are things in there for specific occasions that may not come about very frequently but there isn’t anything that I will not wear and be happy about wearing. 

Shoes (I use to need two of those cubbies) jewelry and purses followed, although these latter two weren’t such problem areas for me. 

Books are next on Kondo’s category list. This wasn’t too difficult for me either. I kept my lifetime favorites like The Princess Bride, childhood favorites like The Great Good Thing and Harold’s Purple Crayon, some hobby related books and House of Leaves which I reread now and again and isn’t available (or practical) on kindle. Everything from college or my young adult days got donated. 

Dear mother wouldn’t let me donate childhood toys, although I still think we could be more selective about which we save for the maybe grandchildren. 

All of my artwork from college hit the curb. I realize now I should have taken pictures of some of it first, but it doesn’t give me any great regret. I kept some of my books from bookmaking class, which I think goes to show that I always liked making physical useful things rather than 2d or static artwork. 

This purge coincided with a move so it was very convenient to only pack the things I really want to own and to discard or donate the rest. A lot of things came with me from my parents house without any curating at all so it was amazing to see all the crap that’s been in my basement these past couple of years. A move is a great time to do the home-assignment part of the KonMari method, because everything is in boxes and needs to be put away anyway, so if you do it with care and consideration for how you are going to be living with the objects you can put things away with purpose. 

This was the most helpful with my cosmetics. Used to be everything was set out on top of my vanity, and while everything was accessible, it looked like a cluttered mess. Not to mention, powder and dust covers everything after a while and it’s a pain to clean everything that’s sitting out collecting it.

Now the only things left on the top of the vanity are the things it makes me happy to look at like my drag bunny or my marimo. Everything else I take out as needed and put away (in suddenly empty drawers due to the purge of ratty socks and underwear!) when I’m done. It’s been a couple of weeks and so far it’s really working for me. 

Something else that’s different for me after reading has to do with daily routine. Kondo describes how when she gets home she takes off her shoes, takes the shoes from the previous day and her coat and handbag to her closet. Then she empties the contents of her purse into a tray. This is surely helpful if you switch to a different purse the next day, but she also says that it gives your bag time to rest. I noticed right away that if I left my purse-giant suitcase that it is-overstuffed too long it started putting creases in the leather. Now I’m letting it rest. 

The last thing I want to mention about this book is that Kondo speaks a fair amount about the Shinto faith. I’m not a spiritual person, but I watched Toy Story and the Brave Little Toaster and I anthropomorphize my belongings sometimes. Kondo gives solid advice about letting go of things. She says if you paid a lot of money for something that you never used, instead of keeping it out of guilt you thank it for the thrill it brought you when you bought it, or you thank it for teaching you what doesn’t work for you. If something used to spark joy but doesn’t anymore, you simply tell it thank you for all it’s done for you and send it off on its journey like a celebration, in hopes that it can bring someone else joy. This resonated with me. Kondo relates her clients’ astounding testimonials about experiencing weight loss and grand fortunes as a result of using her method. It helped me get a fresh start. 

Next in line for tidying is my crafting supplies. Let me know if you want an update on how I put my craft stash in order!

Royal Caribbean Cruise Vacaaaaaaaaation

So the A stuck on my keyboard but I love the enthusiam so I’m leaving it.

Hi again! Someone suggested that you might be interested in hearing about my Caribbean Cruise last December! You may, or you may not, but it will certainly help me remember the vacation if I write about it. You’ll also see how unglamourous I look in any photos. I always have this idea that I’m going to somehow look super awesome if ever I got to a beach, and then it’s in the middle of winter and I haven’t done a squat in months and well… there’s that.


First of all, the cruise ship was the Independence of the Seas of the Royal Carabbean line and I thought it was amazing. I could see myself dying onboard and haunting it forever.

Look at these pictures I took on day 1 before we set sail or however one says that. It doesn’t have sails. Seriously, it looks like I’m the only one on board. That’s where I get the haunting thing.

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So clearly there was plenty to do on the couple of sea days we had. There were musical and comedy shows, an ice skating show that I found very impressive. Actually the sets and choreography in their Once Upon a Time show was really cool too. It was a little cool and rainy so there wasn’t a whole lot of time spent at the pool, which had been my original plan for most of the time on the ship. Instead I think the better part of my time was either eating or napping.

The shore days were definitely exciting though. It is my boyfriend’s wonderful mother who organizes these family vacations that I have been graciously included in, and she has a taste for the adventurous excursions! Our ports of call were in Cozumel, Mexico and Belize City. In Belize seems like the weather was nice, but it had been raining a bunch so the CAVE TUBING part of our excursion had to be canceled. (How cool would that have been?) But we were still able to do some jungle-y zip lining!


And in Cozumel there was a torrential downpour most of the morning so besides the cute rain ponchos… no pictures? darn. Our excursion was to drive dune buggies (ie open top vehicles) around the city, in the torrential downpour. HOWEVER thanks to me being a stinker, Chad and I got to dry out a little in a Jeep that had no gas gauge, no spedometer, no rearview mirror, no defogger…what else? What it did have, a roof, and automatic transmission. Back story: I drive a stick shift, boyfriend does not. He can, but does not feel comfortable with it, much like how I don’t feel comfortable driving around a foreign country. The dune buggies, were manual transmission, and C made a stink about how I would have to drive and I made a stink about how I was just going to stay on the boat, and we landed on driving a Jeep.

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We stopped at a tequila tour ( I don’t drink yay!) Then we went to a little beach and there were some rocks and I climbed them, and I met a little bird, and then we went to a nature park with a lighthouse and climbed it and I looked gloriously windswept at the top, and then we had lunch at what seriously looked like someone’s back porch. No pictures? Food sometimes trumps camera with me. Rain too.

She Lives!

Mocha In The Morning with cousin Chaos

Life event things since last summer:


  • My sister got married in August!
  • In October, I started a new position at my job, with normal daytime/weekday hours.
  • We lost a family member over Thanksgiving. We love and miss Shotsy, our dachshund.
  • I went on my first cruise in December…5 night Eastern Caribbean on the Independence of the Seas with ports of call in Cozumel and Belize City.
  • We adopted/rescued a Siberian Husky in January, his name is Calcifer and he is around 10 months old now. He and Inara are now the best of friends.
  • I bought myself a spinning wheel and have spun two skeins of yarn so far.
  • My sister got a new puppy-a wooly Siberian Husky, no surprise there. Her name is Mocha and on instagram she is @mocha_in_the_morning. You should check it out, she’s adorable. She is eleven weeks old, today, I think.
  • This month my best friend got engaged and I was there to see the proposal!


Also, I have been on a stupid spending spree lately so I ought to have lots of options for fashion photo shoots if I ever start feeling like I can stay awake long enough. I think I’m not quite recovered from the winter yet. Let me know if there are any life event things you’d like to hear more about and I can write a dedicated post!

Dressing Room Renovation

Ever since I’ve gotten back from Chicago I’ve been thinking about reinventing my personal space, a guest room in Chad’s and my house that I use as a dressing room, into a space that combines my love of fashion and my love for crafting. My big idea was to compartmentalize and make my already small dressing room into even an even smaller dressing room and a miniscule craft room. My number one priority was to rip out the horrible shag carpet that all of the animals think is a toilet.  Here are some before shots to illustrate the basic layout of my room. It’s so small that it’s hard to get very much in any one photo.






And here are the after photos! I guess I could mention that the day I chose to rip the carpet out was on Friday, my day off and also date night. Chad and I take turns choosing what we do and who pays, and since it was my turn, I said for date night I wanted Ramen, and to rip out carpet. And Chad, being wonderful, helped me with ne’er a complaint. The floors are actually not in terrible shape, there are a few boards in the closet and behind the door that need replacing from past termite damage. (The Neanderthals who lived here previously filled in a missing board with plaster to go under the carpet, luckily that washed right off of the surrounding boards.)









Future goals for this room include,

  • matching hangers for my closet hah!
  • painted walls/trim, suggestions welcome for colors! Something light, to brighten up the space.
  • better ceiling light fixture. My dream is a chandelier, but a BRIGHT one
  • more floor lamps. I know this is a theme. I hate working in dark rooms.
  • raise closet rod, add second one extending halfway for tops
  • more corner rods in opposite corner, maybe. I’m thinking I might hang sewing fabric from pant hangers instead of stuffing it in a drawer.
  • affix a diy ironing board to top of shoe tower or supply chest of drawers
  • could really use a cutting table, not that I have room for it.
  • I want shelving! lots of it. If there must be clutter, and there must, it needs to go in a designated spot on the walls and not sit on my work surfaces.

Father’s Day Weekend

Hello everyone! Sorry for the radio silence, and happy father’s day to everyone who celebrated. I’ve had a super great weekend. Friday mom and I took Inara out for some mother-daughter photos at the park. She behaved fairly well, actually. She was only moderately mosterous. Also, I was wearing stupid shoes for the park- though they matched my dress- so by the end I was begging to carry the camera and camera bag in exchange for walking the monster dog. After we brought Inara home we went out for lunch and went plant shopping briefly, where we got a remedy for a aphid and white fly infestation that I was effectively ignoring on my hibiscus house plant. I accomplished all of my laundry and then Chad and I had date night, out to La Pas. We both worked Saturday but after work we had Chad’s family over for a cookout for Father’s Day. Each of Chad’s brothers brought their big dogs, one has a 6 month old black lab and the other has a 4 or 5 month old great dane. They had a blast!

Oh my gosh and another week has passed since I began writing this post! That week was filled with making wedding invitations and a little home renovation project that I may make a post about this week. For now I should probably just get this published.

The dress I’m wearing is from
The wedge sandals are hand me downs from many many years ago.
The crystal necklace is from Bodhi Imports, which is a local crystal shop
and the little rose quartz necklace was from, both necklaces purchased by my lovely boyfriend.
Inara is wearing a harness from Petco, and for anyone interested she is a siberian husky born on Oct. 22, 2014 so she is about 8 months old.










June Weekend in Chicago

Hello again! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I was definitely spoiled rotten the past few days. My wonderful boyfriend made it possible for me to attend a corset making workshop in Chicago, at the Department of Curiosities, taught by the sweet and talented Gerry Quinton of Morua Designs. I will probably post a fuller account of my time in the workshop on my other blog, although I do want to let you know what I’ve been up to.

We left Thursday around noon and arrived at our hotel around 7:30 or 8. We went and got our ‘L’ passes for the weekend and rode out to Millennium park and walked around there for a while, got back to the room around eleven.


Friday morning Chad drove me to Logan Square so he could carry in my 30 lb antique Singer sewing machine for me. He stayed long enough to introduce himself to Gerry, who asked me if I was two a.m. or boyfriend? I am boyfriend, because Chad signed up on my behalf. Two a.m. was a graduate from a fashion design program in Chicago who signed up for the course the night before at two a.m. Then he left me to go explore the city while I sat in rapture at spending time with people who share my passion. Besides “boyfriend” and “two a.m.” there were two other students, one going to school for fashion in Chicago and the other a design teacher from Boston. The course was designed for total beginners, and it was interesting because in terms of design and sewing, I was the beginner because I’m completely self taught. At the same time I was the only attendee with prior experience making corsets, and knew the most about their construction. For the first day we talked about corsets in general and looked at many samples, then we took our measurements and chose the standard size that was closest to our measurements, then constructing a mockup of that size.

Chad picked me up after class and we went to Giordano’s for Chicago deep dish pizza, then we went to the top of the Hancock building. It was a little cloudy that evening so we couldn’t see very far, but we watched the sun go down, and that was beautiful.

Saturday we did a fitting of the mockups, altering the pattern to fit us individually. This day was most instructive to me. I have very little experience altering patterns, as I tend to draw up a new pattern for every corset I make, and my version of fitting any garment is imprecise at best. While the other three grabbed their French curves and trued up their seamlines, I needed a bit of extra help. I had trouble envisioning how the marks we made during fitting should translate into the final pattern, and accurately transferring the pattern from the mock up back to the pattern was a struggle for me as well. Accuracy in general, actually. For my own needs, I tend to be a good-enough kind of person. I eyeball instead of measure, that sort of thing. Of course I’m aware that this is where huge discrepancies between my pattern and my final product comes from. I learned a lot about simple sewing techniques. I was a little lost without chalk markings to follow as I was stitching, and because I’m never very careful about my seam allowances it was a foreign idea to use them as a guideline, just sew 1/2″ from the edge and that’s your seam line! Likewise using the width of my presser foot as a guide seemed so imprecise, but could conceivably be less so than my chalk lines and pins of prior projects.

After class Saturday we went to Chinatown to try out a Ramen restaurant called Strings Ramen, which was delicious, although I think I still prefer our own Amu Manu. We had been looking for a place to get bubble tea all weekend and it just happened that a waitress at Strings came in with an armful of bubble teas, we asked our server where they were from and it was literally next door. Very satisfying! After dinner and dessert we did some shopping at Nordstrom’s. I bought something I’ve been meaning to buy for a long while, but isn’t available locally and isn’t something you should buy without trying on……

Sunday we made our final corset. I don’t think anyone got completely finished but everyone got within spitting distance and Gerry mentioned that if she does another beginner’s course it will be extended an extra hour per day. I think that would have been perfect. My corset was made out of a beautiful dove gray spot broche coutil from Sew Curvy. I’m going to order some, it’s so lovely. The second day set me back quite a bit so I was only cutting and tipping my bones at the end of the last day.

I stayed a little bit late to make sure I had everything I needed, then Chad picked me up in the car and we drove to Naperville to have dinner with my best friend who moved there recently! Chad wanted to surprise me, but I basically refuse to let him. It was so great to see her and she and her boyfriend showed up around Naperville’s darling downtown. We didn’t get back on the road until after 7:30. We pulled up in our driveway close to 4am.


Luckily I have all of the tools and supplies at home to finish my corset, and I hope to do a nice little shoot with it once it is complete/seasoned/closed etc. In the photo above I only have it lightly laced and it already has a nice shape, so I’m excited to see its true closed silhouette. I may drop a few more pictures in here once I get them uploaded from my camera. Tell me about a time that you felt you were doing exactly what you are meant to do, or met people with the same interests as you; I’d love to hear.

The Black Swan Part 1

It was a small miracle, but we actually had a nice summery day this weekend. Today it is WINDY and barely 60 degrees out. Yesterday it was up around 80. Even though it was overcast, it was so bright that I spent most of the day squinting and frowning. I wore the backless lace dress from The Black Swan boutique that I wrote about a couple weeks ago. I did minor alterations to the back, to keep the sides of the lace from gapping. There is a tiny change I still need to make to make the back of the neck lie flat but for a quick fix, if you look closely you can see a pink polka dotted button at the nape of my neck. That is a bobby pin. A plain black one would have been invisible, but of course I couldn’t find one, so I accessorized as well as improvised.

I wasn’t feeling particularly photogenic this week, or at all recently. My skin, hair and I are all in disagreement and I’m working hard to find products that will get us all back on the same team.

Last night I used the Morocco Method Zen Detox treatment, and today my hair actually looks much better than it has recently. Another product I got in the mail yesterday was the Uma Ultimate Brightening face oil, which smells wonderful and hopefully will get my skin under control. Lately I’ve been breaking out around the perimeter of my face and have been dry and flaky around my eyes lips and nose. Isn’t that the opposite of how the T-zone is supposed to be?

After taking a few photos ma and I picked up my sister and the three of us got lunch and then went for pedicures! Our usual nail salon is under new management, and we were definitely missing the old management. Maybe it’s just my social anxiety, but pedicures, like hair or dental appointments, are always uncomfortable events. I thought I was prepared this time because I brought my knitting, so that whoever was working on my toes would realize that I didn’t want to small talk. But of the three of us, I got saddled with the only nail technician who wanted to talk the whole time. What’s worse, is that is was a young guy, a year younger than I, I happened to find out, who simultaneously told me how beautiful I am and how he wrecked his girlfriend’s car. He also talked us into the deluxe pedicure which included a seven minutes massage or some such (was that 7 minute per leg?) and we were subsequently beat to hell. My tibia does not need massaging! It still feels tender and bruised today. Not to mention I had an allergic reaction to all the lotions and scrubs and waxes they put on my legs. I thought about this briefly while they were at it, that I hadn’t used so many chemicals on my skin in over two years. When I got home Inara (my puppy) thought my legs smelled good and was licking them and I asked her “What do those taste like, girl? Parabens and carcinogens?” Sure enough, I have a red bumpy rash down the fronts of my shins. On top of all this, by the time they were done abusing us, it got busy and they rushed through our paint jobs to get us out of the chairs, so the one reason we went there was done as amateurishly as I could have done myself.

So tomorrow is my sister’s bridal shower, which we’re having at a local vineyard, so as long as it doesn’t rain it should be a good and relaxing time. Even if it does rain, it will be a nice time. Then next weekend will be our Chicago trip! There’s a lot of things to look forward to this summer, and this year, which is a nice way to feel.







Let me know what you think of the dress! I think it may be a little too form fitting for photos, now after the fact, but I’m still happy with the purchase with what I think was a 40% discount! Also tell me your thoughts on the oversize button down as a way to dress down my little black dress for the middle of the day, I would love to hear from you, and I’ll talk to you all next week!

Birthday Dress

For as much as I say I’m buying myself something “for my birthday” it’s essentially my birthday year-round! But today is my actual birthday so other people get to join in on my favorite hobby, buying me things.

That was a joke. Please laugh. More seriously, I am feeling mightily loved today, which is all birthdays really need be about.

Friday wasn’t necessarily a birthday activity, but I did spend it with my parents, which is always nice! Dad drove ma and I up to the botanical gardens in Omaha to take some pictures and afterward we ate at dad’s favorite Mexican restaurant, where they put a sombrero on my head, sang to me and put whipped cream on my nose. Really above and beyond for making customers hate your guts! Probably a deterrent for people asking for free dessert.

Don't let my grin fool you, I'm pissed.
Don’t let my grin fool you, I’m pissed.

I absolutely loved the gardens, every single area was unique and beautiful, even this early in the season there was something blooming in each garden. If you’re in the area I definitely recommend visiting, and my fam intends to go as a group sometime this summer.

The dress I’m wearing is actually my sister’s, which she wants me to dramatically alter for her. I just wanted some photographic evidence of how it was before I completely change it.

Dress is from Free People

Boots are from Von Maur

Necklaces are from Kohls/Gordmans/Etsy

The rings are vintage, the ruby was my boyfriend’s grandmother’s, and the other was my mom’s.





Random ghostly B&W



There is an amazing wooden model train town!
I had no idea when ma took this picture how great the composition would be.


Product Placement? I’m using Morrocco Method leave in conditioner as a hydrosol to freshen up my makeup.
There is an awesome installation of bronze sculptures at the gardens through October. R.B. the bunny was my favorite.



I’m wearing a different Free People dress to work today, but I can’t decide if I want to wear it to birthday dinner tonight. Typically I will have a designated “birthday dress” that I’ll have had planned for months to wear on my birthday. Not so this year, and I’m feeling uneasy about it. The two Black Swan dresses I ended up buying seem too sexy for a family outing, better to save those for nights out in Chicago. The eShakti dresses require a corset underneath, and that’s no good when I want to gorge myself on sushi. Maybe I will stick with the Free People dress.



Dinner was excellent- I did wear the Free People dress and the coral statement necklace Chad got me matched the coral cardigan I was already wearing, uncanny! Even mom liked the sushi, and I know I at least pigged out. As an added bonus for my birthday weekend, it was Memorial day Monday so I had a two day weekend to catch up on things around the house! How was your weekend? Excellent, I hope! Everyone comment and convince Michelle not to have me cut off the sleeves of her dress!

Stormy Friday: LBD and the PKB

It stormed most of my Friday morning, during which time I took my puppy, Inara over to play with her Siberian cousin, Chaos at my parents’ house. Dad was clearing out the garage so the cars could fit in case of hail (we didn’t get any, I don’t think, but maybe others did elsewhere in the area?) so I didn’t get much time to hang out with him. I sat on the couch and knit while the dogs played. When mom got off work and dad left for work, ma and I went and got some Noodles and then went shopping at the Courtyards at Pioneer Woods. Mom isn’t the best at helping me stay on budget, but neither am I.

I had a great time window shopping at The Black Swan, an adorable dress boutique. I tried on a couple cocktail dresses they had on sale but couldn’t decide, so I’ll probably pop back in on Sunday, to see if the dresses are still available.




These are the three that I tried on and liked. My issue is that I have a dozen (probably over a dozen now,) black dresses, with a good portion of them being lace, two being nude with black lace. I don’t have anything like the sequin one, but I’m deathly afraid of losing all of the sequins by the second time I wear it. Mom assures me that I need new dresses for my trip to Chicago, and I’m not sure I disagree with her. I’m working the whole time they’re open today, so we’ll see what’s still available tomorrow. Joe, who I believe is the owner, was very friendly and helpful and I’d really like to give him my business. Being indecisive on the internet doesn’t effect anyone but me, as I put things in my cart and take them out again, but I feel bad for taking Joe’s time and then not being able to come to a decision.

Baggallini A La Carte Bagg

The other exciting thing from our shopping trip, was that I found the perfect knitting bag! I’ve been searching etsy, amazon, local yarn stores, everywhere! for a bag with suitable number of pockets/compartments to carry my knitting supplies. I had given up and was carrying my knitting, basically back and forth from my parents’ house at this point, in a swim bag I got free with an order from Victoria’s Secret. It was functional but not ideal. I saw this bag from Baggallini at a home goods and gift store, Habitat and upon inspection deemed it the perfect knitting bag. The one I got is actually black on black cheetah print not black on gray as it appears in the photo.

It has the three pouches on the front of the tote, meant for cell phones and water bottles, that work well for slipping a pattern in and out for quick reference, and the center front pocket has a smaller pouch inside just right for crochet hooks that I use frequently on beading rows, for quick access. The third one may actually be used for a cell phone, or a yarn ball to feed out of.


There are plenty of interior pockets, two the exact perfect size for my tubes of seed beads, two loops for my pen and highlighter which I use to mark my place on my pattern, a large-ish pouch for spare double pointed needles, which are handy in a pinch, say when you drop a dozen stitches and need to do emergency surgery. and another smaller pouch the exact perfect size for my scissor case and a tape measure.
image image

There is a tethered removable coin purse that I put my tapestry needles and stitch markers in, things I wouldn’t want to float around loose.

There is also a zippered pocket on the interior front that works nicely for a spare cake of yarn.

On the exterior back there is a huge pocket (that zips at the bottom too, as to convert to slip over a rolling luggage handle- useful.) but when the bottom is zipped it fits my new set of interchangeable circular needles perfectly.

Then of course, my project, fits into the main interior compartment. I used the key leash, perhaps goofily, to secure my working needles in place onto my yarn ball. No losing stitches while I’m on the go!

I’ll drop some pictures of the insides in here for you when I get home.

So, at the risk of this blog having an existential identity crisis, let me know which dress(es) you think I should get for my Chicago trip, if they’re still available. Or tell me about a time you found the perfect accessory!

Goals and Routine

I thought I was doing really well at getting an outfit of the week shot every Friday for the first few weeks after starting this blog, wanting that to be my main focus, with other interests of mine sprinkled in between those weekly posts. But in the past three weeks I haven’t been able to spend my Fridays the way that I intended to, so the posts have been a little mishmashed and I feel like I’m not living up to what I wanted this blog to be.

Honestly I have been feeling that way in my life in general, and I hope that doesn’t sound too dramatic. What I mean is, I have lots of goals for improving my daily routine and learning better habits that will make sticking to the routine easier, and long term goals that the ideal daily routine will help me achieve.

I want to:

  • Wake up early, between 6:30 and 7am
  • Make a green smoothie
  • Do a few Blogilates pop pilates videos- I want to tone up my arms and shoulders for my sister’s wedding in August so I’ll look nice in my bridesmaid dress, and I bought a sexy one piece/monokini swim suit to motivate me to work on my glutes and thighs because it’s quite revealing. Of course they don’t show the back on the website.
  • Make a cup of coffee- until I am able to cut this step out, maybe someday
  • Knit a row or two- I’m making a monster lace shawl, right now I’m at 768 stitches per round, so it’s slow going for me
  • Take Inara for a walk- she has been inadequately leash trained so far, and I need to work with her. This may get moved before knitting as the mornings get hotter
  • Get ready for work
  • Work, come home, eat dinner
  • Another walk? Another pilates video? Another row of knitting?

Fridays, I want to get back to getting some outfit of the week photos, mom will be off work for the summer in another week or so, so we can go in the mornings and maybe not make such a day of it so I can still get lots of things done, as far as projects and things around the house.

Sundays I’ve been saying I will make time to work on my corsetry, last Sunday I made up a paper maquette of an overbust pattern, which I’d like to mock up so I have a little experience before I go to my corset making workshop in June (!!!) By the way, I have a thing, I don’t know if I want to call it a habit, of keeping my excitement over an upcoming trip or event really low, because I have this feeling of trepidation, like there’s still time for something to go horribly wrong that will prevent this happening. When I took my first island vacation with my boyfriend’s family two years ago, I was still thinking that as I was on the plane, flying over the ocean. So I’m excited, but I’m not really letting myself think about it.

I have some projects to help my sister out with for wedding decorations that I keep thinking about but really need to sit down and work on with her, because the date is coming up fast!

I’ve updated my hair routine, definitely working out a few kinks, but will probably be writing a review. I had a couple really good wash days and then a couple not-so-successful ones. I’m trying to grow my hair to waist length, and I think Chad and I decided I’ve grown almost 3 inches in four and a half months. Just have to keep it as healthy as possible.

Thank you for letting me speak aloud about some of my projects and goals, it really helps me hold myself accountable when I tell other people what I’m going to try to do. Tell me ways you hold yourself accountable, and how you develop new, better habits! And I’ll see you next weekend hopefully with a fashion post!